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We Care

As a family-run company who has been in the audio industry for almost 75 years, we care about our impact on our surrounding. We define our surrounding as the sum of social and environmental touchpoints of our company.

Convinced of education and equal opportunities

As a company whose success is based on research and knowledge, we believe that education is not only the key to prosperity but also to peaceful coexistence. That is why we support universities, schools and other educational projects that foster topics such as music, audio or technology in all of our locations. In doing so, we also keep an eye on the issue of equal opportunities, which is just as important in education as it is in work.

Supporting family life and work-life balance

To us it is important that Sennheiser stands for diversity and equal opportunities. This is reflected in how we empower women in the company. For women and men alike, we seek to create a framework in which family life and career can be better reconciled. This includes flexible working hours as well as our daycare 'Ohrwürmchen', which we opened on our company premises in 2014. Moreover, Sennheiser has a worldwide diversity network.

Proudly international

As a company whose success is based on research and knowledge, we believe that education is not only the key to prosperity but also to peaceful coexistence. That is why we support universities, schools and other educational projects that foster topics such as music, audio or technology in all of our locations. In doing so, we also keep an eye on the issue of equal opportunities, which is just as important in education as it is in work.

Convinced of education and equal opportunities

As a company whose success is based on research and knowledge, we believe that education is not only the key to prosperity but also to peaceful coexistence. That is why we support universities, schools and other educational projects that foster topics such as music, audio or technology in all of our locations. In doing so, we also keep an eye on the issue of equal opportunities, which is just as important in education as it is in work.

Made to last

Our products are 'Made to last'. We not only want our customers to enjoy their Sennheiser products for a long time, but also help to ensure that fewer products are thrown away. That's why we strive to provide spare parts for many of our products – over a long period of time. For example, the legendary yellow ear pads from our headphone classic, the HD 414 from 1968, can still be replaced today.

Caring for our environment

At our Sennheiser production sites, we try to keep environmental impact to the minimum. At the Innovation Campus at our headquarters, for example, we have an ice storage system that automatically regulates room temperature and uses up to 80% renewable energy. Additionally, we seek wherever possible to avoid composite materials, while reducing the amount of plastics and focusing on using paper and paperboard.
